What’s personal finance?
You may be wondering what exactly entails personal finance. If you look online there’s a few definitions, but it boils down to this:
Personal finance is managing your money, as a family or an individual, for current and future life events and goals. Managing your money includes budgeting, savings, investments, retirement planning and tax and estate planning. Developing a plan to meet those goals will be based on your income, expenses, and living requirements, but becoming financially literate is crucial to making better informed decisions and separating good from bad advice.
Investment management regarding personal finance at times requires certification to give advice and/or take action. For example, only someone who has a series 65 securities license can manage your investment portfolio and recommend stocks. Do not seek help from unlicensed professionals regarding retirement planning, investing, and tax and estate planning.
With that in mind, this blog is going to be centered mainly around budgeting and savings. I’ll use some of this blog to help you become more financially literate when it comes to investments, and retirement planning. I’ll also help point you in a direction where you can get help for it as well. And remember, if you can’t get budgeting and saving down, then the rest of those things will be pretty out of reach.